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 发布于:2024-05-01 09:34  浏览:234次
编者按: 近期,美国科学测评NSL成绩发布,嘉兴市青鸟同文实验学校G7-9年级同学踊跃参加,发挥优异,收获诸多奖项!这也是学生们在理科领域里创下的又一竞赛新纪录!





美国科学测评挑战赛(NSL)由 Joseph Quartaro 和 Henry Hull 两位拥有 30 多年教学经验的数学教练于 1980 年创立。他们结合美国国家科学教育政策,在 CML 经验的基础上,与一些具有丰富教学经验的科学教师共同发起了这项挑战。该挑战赛与 NGSS(下一代科学标准)体系保持一致,为学生提供了一个挑战自我的平台。NSL旨在通过生动的问题提高学生进一步探索科学的兴趣,鼓励学生思考如何应用STEM跨学科知识解决现实生活中的问题。






G7 Cherry

It is a great honor to receive this award, thanks to the recognition of the teachers, and the achievements I can achieve today are still due to the training of the teachers, this award is a strong encouragement for me, and I hope I can continue to love science.


G8 Avaneesh

I feel great to win an award like this and I also must thank all the teachers for helping me in extra time. I think I could practice more next time and win greater achievements.


G9 Bessy








Santosh Shah

Science Subject Teacher


AQA Coordinator 


Cherry (G7), Avaneesh (G8) and Bessy (G9) participated in the National League Science competition, a prestigious and rigorous competition, in April 2024 and received an honorable prize. I would like to congratulate them for their hard work and achievement.

They are motivated and keen in learning science. Being their science teacher, I have always encouraged and stretched them to their highest potential. The knowledge and concepts they learnt in their science and ASA class has equipped them with skills and confidence to succeed in various competitions. For NSL competition, they identified the learning outcomes and successful criteria of the competition and prepared for it. They solved all the available past papers from NSL and worked a step beyond the requirement of this competition. They worked hard and followed all my guidance throughout. It was a big opportunity for them to learn and acquire knowledge. I am sure this experience will be very valuable to them as they continue with their education.



Dr. Sara 戴小鸯博士

Science Dept. Head 


Science Teacher科学教师

DP Chemistry Teacher 


作为八年级的科学老师和科学组组长,为了进一步提升学生的科学素养,我鼓励对科学感兴趣的学生积极去参加各项国际科学竞赛和科学活动,并为学生们提供相关的赛前辅导。在本次美国科学测评(NSL)活动中,七年级的 Cherry,八年级的Avaneesh和九年级的Bessy经过前期充分的备考准备,凭借他们扎实的科学基础,稳定输出,在激烈的角逐中,脱颖而出,获得全球优秀奖。祝贺他们!希望在接下来的竞赛活动中,再创佳绩!